PGV Refund Delays

The following is a documentation of the continued delays on refunding investors of the (PGV) Prosperity Gem Ventures contracts. It will be updated as necessary with ongoing delays. After many months of contradicting statements by project owner Manny Delgado, announcements and "updates" on the website and discord that disappear the next day, some bewildered project investors are now wondering if PGV is a scam and/or ponzi

The contents of this blog were gathered by the members of PGV JUSTICE COALITION discord server (formerly Prosperity Truth Coalition). 


PGV VICTIM IMPACT STATEMENTS Collected by PGV JUSTICE COALITION for our use in pursuing collective legal action. Unless you are law enforcement or a government agency, please do not copy, transmit, store, repost, etc. this document without permission. Thank you.

4/3/23 Update: It is now the two-month mark since the last of the three contracts, Polygon, had rewards claims disabled, and no one has had any access to their capital since.

Note: Screenshots (time/date stamps) were collected from community members in different time zones worldwide, and are presented chronologically from the EST/EDT time zone. 

4/27/2023 Update: An estimation of funds owed to PGV project victims and funds missing, according to and as summarized by the project developer Vincent, whom Manny employed to write all of the project's smart contracts.

7/13/2023 Update: Jeff Deal of WFTV9 News in Orlando Confronts Manny Delgado: ‘Train of excuses’: Consumers accuse Central Florida man of running a Ponzi scheme

Links to File a Report on Suspected Crypto Crimes

USA Attorney General - Find Your State

Federal Trade Commission

FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center

US Securities and Exchange Commission

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Let the reader understand that the project launched as "Prosperity Gem Mining" in October 2022, and then got a make over to PGV "Prosperity Gem Ventures" with the SAME investor base.

ORIGINAL PGM (Prosperity Gem Mining) WHITE PAPER Iteration of the project before changing from mining to "ventures" ("bot trading")


Prosperity Gem Ventures Contracts

Tron USDT Contract

USDT (BSC) Contract

Polygon DAI Contract

USDC (BSC) Contract

Prosperity Gem Ventures Blockchain Data

PGM on RiskyFish (Before name/game change from PGM (mining) to PGV ("bot" trading)

PGV on Dune

First Set of Outgoing Refund Wallets




Second Set of Outgoing Refund Wallets





December 2022, Manny explains the Refund Policy in his own words.

October 21, 2022, "PGM is Live"

October 22, 2022 "PGM Full Site Tutorial"

November 13, 2022 AMA (Ask Me Anything) with the discord community



March 7, 2023 Wallets are now captured on google sheets. "We have 1200-1400 more refunds and will have them completed over the next 24 hrs." (time stamped March 7th 9pm AST). Tech Team's first try (test) at batch contract failed. Second try was successful by creating new contracts which will read the deposit amounts from old contracts. "Watch your wallets over the next 24hrs." Results: False.

March 8, 2023: "1100 wallets left" to refund, plans to refund that week. Explains the use of a "batch refund" contract to facilitate the process. He's human, he needs to sleep. Results: He slept. A few refunds went out (smaller wallets).

March 9, 2023 - first update  All wallets for the 3 contracts (USDT, Polygon, Tron) will be banned to stop people from using "reinvest” function. Results: Mainly big wallets got banned.

March 9, 2023 - second update "Within 12 hours 15 mins" from the time of video "all funds from all exchanges will be available." Refunds for three old contracts (USDT, Tron, Polygon) will start, USDC contract will have funds pumped in. Results: Neither happened.

March 11, 2023 "We only have 1000-1100 refunds left. We've refunded 7000 so far." (Blockchain analysis done by various members says this accounts for 30% of the total amount owed to members; in other words, small investors). "The issue has been access to funds. I've been approved to withdraw all remaining funds from the last remaining exchange.  It is currently pending, and will be available between 24-48 hrs." "Once funds are available we will start from biggest wallets to smallest.  Estimate 24-48 hrs to get refunds done." Results: Didn't happen.

March 14, 2023 "All funds from all exchanges are available." Refunds are starting for 3 contracts (USDT, Polygon, Tron) and "will be completed within 48 hours" after that video time start. Results: False.

March 15, 2023 - first update Manny says "funds are available" and he's hired a tech team to create a contract that will allow "for us to send all remaining refunds in a few transactions." "Expect for your refund to land in your wallet by March 16 (2023) 12:00 AM AST. We will also be turn back on hunt gems, harvest gems, and exit gem hunt/self refunds for the USDC contract at the same time." This new refund process still takes time because they manually have to enter wallet addresses. If you don't get your refund after that time, people have to submit a ticket and they will manually get a refund. Manny makes a reminder that the "exit gem hunt" (self refund function) on the USDC (new contract) time frame changed from 15 days to 60 days. Results: Didn't happen.

March 15, 2023 - second update Per Manny, date of refunds hasn't changed, but time was removed. So refunds will be done "by end of day March 16 AST time." Refunds will still be issued in three transactions. Other options could take two to six weeks. These three batch refund contracts are finished, but have not been tested yet. If the test doesn't work, they have to rework and test again before deployed. Results: False.

March 16, 2023 Manny's tech team, which was hired to create contracts for three mass/bulk transactions on all the remaining refunds for each network (BSC, Polygon, and TRON), failed to do so. Manny tested the contracts, but they didn't work properly. As a result, he's resorting back to the batch refund contracts. Other delay reasons given: "Family time." "Health." "Working 18 hours a day." Also: "There are 1000-1100 remaining refund wallets to process." "Refunds will be completed by March 20, 2023. He will work normal hours at his own pace, "processing 250 refunds per day." Late refund form submissions would run into March 21, 2023 and USDC contract would be turned back on that date. Results: False. Also, "FUD will not be tolerated." Results: True (members questioning things are timed out in PGV discord server).

March 18, 2023 Says he cant work 18 hours a day, family, life, etc. Reneges on promise to do 250 refunds per day (see previous video). Does 50. Explains that the reinvest function should never have been part of the contract at all (even though the website user interface had a reinvest button until he removed it). He announces banning of all wallets to mitigate this. Says that the contracts were never intended for that many people. Results: He banned more wallets, but not all.

March 20, 2023 Manny just spoke with his “tech team” and they've created and tested the three contracts to send remaining refunds in bulk transactions, one per contract (old contracts: USDT, Polygon, TRON). He still has to manually enter wallet information. "Bulk refunds will be done by the end of March 21st. This is stated at March 20th at 7:41pm AST. Literally in the next 27 hours all refunds will be done." "Start checking your wallets as all refunds are guaranteed to be done by end of March 21st." For people that did not send in the refund request, "if you did not receive the refund by end of March 21st submit a support ticket." The three wallets originally posted for refunds will not be used and are being replaced with the batch refund contracts. Results: False.

March 21, 2023 Manny states he hired a tech team to a create three separate batch refund contracts, that will complete all refunds in three transactions. Message from  tech team says they have been tested and are ready to go. User wallet/amount info still has to be input manually though. "Everyone will have their refund by March 21st." ("Understand everyone has different time zones.") "Check your wallets by end March 21st and you will have your refund." If not received by then, open a support ticket in discord server. Results: False.

March 22, 2023 Fake emails are going out to GemBot AI subscribers (due to vulnerability/hack in registration website). "Over the next 12-18 hours we will be completing the remaining refunds. I am 100% sure on this." "Reality" is he was "waiting on funds." He won't answer discord DMs. Batch refunds can't be done as previously stated because the volume for the transaction will be too high. This was tested "in the last hour or two." Discord chat "will remain shut down for the next 12 hours." After old three contracts are refunded, USDC contract will be un-paused and pumped with funds for those that want to exit. Results: False (except for the hacking of the member email list).

March 23, 2023 "Quick Update." "Getting up and going, trying to get some rest.  Getting ready in the next hour to attack some more refunds." "Three hundred refunds were sent out, and we've still got quite a bit to go."  He estimates "there are a little over 800" refunds to go.  He will continue to send out refunds, but will leave the discord chat shut down for now.

March 24, 2023 at approx. 1:00AM EDT - AMA with Prosperity Truth Coalition discord server At approximately 1:00AM EDT, Manny does a spontaneous AMA with members of PTC server. Takeaways: He is asked whether or not the trading has been done with bots as the project advertised, and gives a halted, vague answer talking about CEX vs DEX trades He promises refunds will be completed in approx. 36 hours (Sat March 25th by 11:59 PM), then adds that stragglers, people who just filled out the form (it was previously stated by Manny that all would be refunded directly from the original contracts regardless of using the form) would take until Monday, March 27, 2023. Results: False.

March 25, 2023 He can't pull all the funds out from the different exchanges at once due to limitations. He is going to using the crypto he has as collateral to get a loan, without which it would "take about a month to refund everyone." Will have the loan by Mon or Tues (27th or 28th). Will do about 10 Polygon refunds in the interim with remaining funds. Says that due to threats received he won't share any more information. He admits that he said in the AMA (PTC) that he said he would share the google sheet (list of remaining wallets) but he isn't going to do that (or share screenshots) because these people will use it against him. Will be pumping funds into and unpausing USDC self refund function on March 28th (said contract was paused to avoid over-leveraging). Instructs every single user to harvest (claim rewards) on the March 28th to leave the USDC contract completely. Denies PGV being a rug. Results: Still waiting on old contract refunds and USDC self refund function reinstatement. 

March 27, 2023 at 1:30am EDT AMA with PGV community regarding acquisition of a collateralized loan to pay the estimated $30 million USDT, TRON, and DAI refunds, plus an estimated $20 million to refund the USDC contract.

March 28, 2023 Manny is waiting for a loan to come through in order to refund remaining wallets. Could take up to 72 hours (3 business days). Once arrived refunds will be sent out within 48 to 72 hours. He will be posting refund wallet addresses for each contract in the PGV discord so people can track refunds. He will not be doing any more AMAs "due to constant harassment and threats." The remaining refunds now consist of around 1500 wallets. Once the refunds are completed, everyone can move on from the project. Results: He told the community the loan was received on March 30th but provided no proof.

March 31, 2023 at Noon EDT Wire transfer into the crypto wallet needs to be available for him to access to purchase crypto and start the refund process. Wire "may take up to two business days." Reiterates the list of wallets remaining to refund on the website. Manny assures everyone that the refund process will not take 48 or 72 hours and will be completed in less than a day with five people helping him (later clarified, four people plus himself). He will update the PGV discord group not will not open DMs "due to threats."

April 1, 2023 Collateralized loan approved, waiting on wire transfer to go from pending to available to crypto wallet. Expect that to occur either Monday or Tuesday (April 3rd or 4th). Four other "trusted" people will help me with refunds. Priorities- Refunds from old contract and then BSC USDC refunds (exact refund plan is still being worked). Refund list is on website. If you don't see your wallet fill out the form. Discord and website still open, PGV is different from projects that rug.

April 2, 2023 "Waiting for a wire transfer to go from pending to available in the crypto wallet." Enlists 4 "trusted individuals" to help with refunds. Estimated refund time is "half a day." USDC harvest function will open the following day. Rewards percentage will be  for that and timestamped for those who miss that window. Self refunds on USDC to follow. Results: ETH allegedly became available on 4/4/2023 at 5:00pm EST

April 5, 2023 at 2:12AM EDT Shows screenshots (see below) of alleged (unnamed) Exchange requesting account verification, and of the $60 million ETH, both of which some members of the community suspect are fake. Another "24 to 48 hours" delay.

April 6, 2023 at 7:36 AM EDT "By tomorrow April 7, 2023 6 AM to 7 AM EST" [sic: EDT] the purchased ETH (has not answered why he purchased a volatile coin when the contracts are in stables) can be transferred to "the refund wallet" (singular). USDC contract will then be pumped and self refund function on that contract turned back on. No mention of turning "harvest" function (claim rewards) back on. Claims to be receiving death threats in discord (DMs?). Is changing the name of the GemBot AI project (new name not disclosed). Note: GemBot AI is a subscription based project allowing users to rent the alleged PGV software bots that "never close a trade in the negative."

April 7, 2023 at 8:17 AM EDT The 6-7am release of the crypto didn't happen. Manny said he opened a support ticket. He will check on it every couple of hours. Do not message him or the PGV discord server admins.

April 7, 2023 at 5:17 PM EDT Manny's withdraw request on the undisclosed exchange is being reviewed, will take "12 hours to be approved." "I can't tell you what day you're going to get your refund. It's out of my control." Results: Didn't happen.

April 8, 2023 at 4:44 AM EDT 12 hours (see previous video) becomes 60+ hours. "We dished out over 7500 refunds. Fact." (30% of the total refund amount owed, in other words mostly small investor wallets). Withdraw went into review phase. "We're going to spend a whole day doing the remaining refunds, starting Monday (April 10th), no exact time."  "Also pumping up (newer) USDC contract allowing for people to self refund." "By the end of Monday (April 10th) the website and discord will be completely shut down." New refund form added to the website for those that don't see their wallet listed on the google sheet.

April 11, 2023 at 12:01 AM EDT Manny shows a redacted screenshot of a 400 ETH transaction, explaining that he can only transfer 400 ETH each hour and will do so until all of the $60 million for refunds is transferred to the refund wallet. He stated he would be using a new wallet and a mixer. Members of the community found the sender wallet and the receiver wallet of that transaction, the latter of which appears to be an ETH staking pool. (Updates pending further blockchain analysis)

April 17, 2023 at 8:22 PM EDT Moving the goal post once again, no refunds will start today. They will start tomorrow, Tuesday April 18, 2023 (no specific time). Manny "suspects people will report his wallet" in which case he "won’t be able to move the crypto out of his wallet." Thus, he will use a bulk sender to mitigate people flagging his wallet (that he said would be a new wallet and no one knows). Refunds "should take 30 minutes to one hour" and will be done in "three to four batches." He is not answering any messages. He has made a new discord group, as the old one "was taken over by admins" (who have finally added their voices to the solidarity of frustrated investors). He will only open the new discord chat once all refunds are done.

April 18, 2023 at 10:45 PM EDT Manny said "he/they" have done three bulksender tests using multiple wallets, and said "it's going to take us another day; it's going to take until the 19th (of April 2023)" due to creating multiple excel sheets (with the new refund forms everyone was required to fill out the day prior.) All excels will be upload to bulksender and deployed in succession once all are completed, to mitigate risk of wallet blacklisting. Claims one wallet has already been blacklisted. He has two people helping him. When Manny says it will be another 24 hours from the current time, he seems to struggle to come up with what time it is, where he alleges to be (Pacific) and then starts talking about time zones. States that, "PGV is done and over in 24 hours." "I'll tell you to look at your wallet." Results: 24 hours came and went. No refunds issued.

April 19, 2023 at 10:20 PM EDT Manny now "hopes to have refunds out by the end of the week" but said "no promises." He first said Friday (April 21, 2023) and then clarified "the end of the week" (which he later clarifies in a written update to mean Sunday the 23rd). He is no longer sending refunds out in one token (USDT) as stated in the prior update. He is going back to sending out the original token (TRON, USDT, DAI, USDC) to the original wallets, which means the original Google spreadsheets, previously completed with those wallet addresses and refund amounts should once again suffice. However, he is choosing to proceed with making new ones, sorting through all the new refund form submissions, with no clear reason offered as to the logic. Discord admins (who have not been paid in 5-6 weeks) will be paid along with their project refunds. The new refund form having been closed, will be opened again after all batches are sent out for any remaining refunds.

April 21, 2023 at 7:52 PM EDT Still planning to use a bulksender. Refunds will be sent out in 25 batches for BSC-USDT and TRON. He displays only a few excel sheets. The number of batches for polygon and USDC are unspecified. "This evening, 10pm to 11pm PST, all GemBot refunds should be sent out." ”Be expecting for this to be done by Sunday." He "plans to use a mixer to make it difficult to track transactions on the blockchain, to prevent people reporting the wallet to avoid being blacklisted." He "looks forward to getting this all done." Results: False.

April 23, 2023 at 10:35 PM EDT "Refunds will be finished tomorrow morning between 8am-11am PST." Manny claims this is "not a rug" and that he is "doing everything himself." Spreadsheets were finished yesterday and he "did many GemBot refunds already." Compromised wallets will be done last. Results: No refunds took place.

April 24, 2023 at 10:41 AM EDT Manny states he will be "finishing out everything by the end of day" and reiterates his storyline about being on PST. He says he is "waiting on some swaps" and is "loading up the refund wallets." He claims that "one of the exchanges last night got delayed." He reaffirms that 99% of refunds (the other 1% being compromised wallets) will be "done by the end of day." He is "only going to put out an update when refunds are done." Results: Nonsense.

April 25, 2023 at 12:15 AM EDT Still pretending to be on an island in the Pacific, Manny claims "it is currently April 24th 9:15 PM Pacific" at the time of recording. He says he will be sending out refunds "late tonight" and continue doing so "into tomorrow and Wednesday" (April 26th). He claims that two of his email accounts got hacked and had to spend the day adding security layers to his devices. "This will be the last update I put out until refunds are done." Results: LOL, I'm sure you can guess.

April 25, 2023 at 5:53 PM EDT Reasserts that he will have refunds completed by April 26th. "Please just give me that time frame to get this done." "I know that there's no reason for any of you to believe anything I say. And that's the truth. And that's on me." Admits that he has missed deadlines "over and over again." "I'm going to state this: There will be no more delays." "There will be no more deadlines set. No more delays." Results: Sigh.

April 27, 2023 at 4:00 AM EDT Manny claims that due to investors complaining to the exchanges, "two wallets got blacklisted which caused a delay on the process." So he used a mixer to make it difficult to track the transactions. The "mixer gave a 72 hour estimation for the transaction to process, but that did not happen." So he "contacted support and they said it will take 10-12 hours." He said he will get some sleep as he hasn’t slept in 48 hours. He "believes he would have refunded by last week if this blacklist issue didn’t happen." He is "waiting on this mixer transaction" that is “out of my control.” He doesn't have exact time, but "by end of April 27th PST, refunds will be all done." Results: 🤡

April 27, 2023 at 5:47 PM EDT "The sites were down because reports were put in." Blames investors: "This could've been done a week and a half ago... Had two of the wallets not gotten blacklisted, we would have been able to finish this." Explains again that this is why he moved to using a mixer. The mixer "adds another 4-day delay." This morning he "contacted the mixer customer support team" and they gave him "an exact time." Friday April 28th 8am PST. From there, refunds will start being sent out, and "should be all done by the end of the day." He speaks of “hate groups that don’t care about refunds, just care about hurting.” Tells everyone to "calm down, tomorrow everyone will be refunded and then everyone can move on with their lives." He will "put out an announcement saying we started out the refunds.” Results: Nope.

April 28, 2023 at 5:36 PM EDT

May 3, 2023 at 12:38 AM EDT (Manny still pretending to be on Pacific Time)


February 16, 2023

February 20, 2023

February 23, 2023

February 25, 2023

March 1, 2023

March 4, 2023

March 6, 2023

March 8, 2023

March 9, 2023

March 11, 2023

March 12, 2023

March 13, 2023

March 16, 2023

March 17, 2023

March 18, 2023

March 20, 2023

March 21, 2023

March 22, 2023

March 23, 2023

March 25, 2023

March 26, 2023

March 27, 2023 Manny claims he has moved himself and family to a Caribbean island due to "threats" he has not substantiated.

However, as shown in the screen shot of a reply to a community member on March 1st, Manny was already claiming to be on this Caribbean island.

March 28, 2023

March 29, 2023

March 30, 2023

March 31, 2023

April 1, 2023

April 2, 2023

April 3, 2023

April 3, 2023 midday, project owner Manny aka "SuccessWithMannyD" aka "PGVcreator" aka "creator" changes his discord name yet again, to "thebeliever"

April 4, 2023

April 5, 2023 at 2:12AM EDT Screenshot from video update captured by a community member of the alleged wallet balance, for which many noticed the inconsistency of font and incongruity of percentage increase vis-à-vis account balance.

April 5, 2023 A community member provides a screenshot of their own wallet, the same app, as a point of reference for COMPARISON. Community wonders if the $60m ETH wallet is real.

April 6, 2023 at 1:30AM EDT (screenshot taken by member in Australia time zone)

April 6, 2023 Same Announcement edited to remove "24 hours" commitment 
April 6, 2023 Continued..

April 7, 2023

April 8, 2023

Once again, silencing the community

April 9, 2023 Roughly 36 hours after closing the general chat on PGV discord and "turning off" his direct messages, and a few hours after closing off all other discord rooms (including support ticket) and deleting the Testimonials Room (containing many negative testimonies and complaints), a new testimonial room is opened (24 to 48 hours prior to when refunds should be complete and project officially closed), where only positive comments are allowed. All others, get an instant perma ban from the discord owned by the man holding their capital hostage.

April 10, 2023

April 11, 2023

Edits two channels to change the given time he will turn chat back on to update the community from Eastern to Pacific (to buy three more hours) but forgets to edit the third channel.

April 12, 2023

April 13, 2023

April 14, 2023

Comic relief posted by a community member
Manny posts in PGV discord server Announcements channel a screenshot of a website update he wrote in the third person, and referring to himself with his previous screen name.

April 15, 2023 PGV discord server admins (themselves also investors) take a stand!

April 16, 2023

Manny creates a new discord server he will use for updates

Manny changes his discord screen name another time to coincide with his planned name change of his "GemBotAi" subscription. He also creates another NEW refund form for the entire community to fill out again (see below).

April 17, 2023

April 19, 2023

Closes NEW refund form submissions

April 20, 2023

April 22, 2023 Step aside PGV. Manny is now going to do his newest project GemBotAi refunds first. But before that, he needs a new laptop.

April 23, 2023 

April 25, 2023 

April 26, 2023 

April 27, 2023 

Manny removes his website files from hosting site (verified) and blames it on complaints.

April 28, 2023 

April 29, 2023 

April 30, 2023 

May 1, 2023 

May 2, 2023 

May 3, 2023 

May 4, 2023 

May 5, 2023 

May 6, 2023 

May 7, 2023 Manny announces Imaginary Friend Number 1, to help with liquidity. "Friend" bails on him later that day due to "FUD."

May 8, 2023 

May 9, 2023 

May 12, 2023 

May 13, 2023 

May 14, 2023 

May 15, 2023 

May 16, 2023 

May 17, 202

May 18, 2023 

May 19, 2023 

May 20, 2023 

May 21, 2023 

May 22, 2023 

May 23, 2023 

May 24, 2023 

May 25, 2023 

May 26, 2023 Manny begins posting as his 2nd identity, Imaginary Friend "Diamond Bot Pro"

Proof positive that "DiamondBotPro" is not the successful long-standing project of his fictitious "friend." Rather, the domain name was purchased two days prior on May 24, 2023. Also, the template looks identical to previous websites Manny has owned.

May 28, 2023 

May 30, 2023 

June 1, 2023 

June 2, 2023 

June 3, 2023 Another name change for Manny (to differentiate from imaginary "DBP")

June 4, 2023 

June 5, 2023 

June 6, 2023 

June 7, 2023 

June 8, 2023 

June 10, 2023 

June 12, 2023 

June 14, 2023 

June 15, 2023 

June 16, 2023 

June 18, 2023 

June 20, 2023 

June 23, 2023 

June 26, 2023 

June 28, 2023 

July 6, 2023  Again, Manny deletes all of his previous posts in the "REFUND UPDATE" server. 

July 7, 2023 

July 8, 2023 

July 10, 2023 

July 11, 2023 Because if you keep deleting your previous lies Manny, surely no one will remember them....

July 12, 2023

July 13, 2023

To be continued....